Over the last two centuries, there has been an explosion in human progress and prosperity.
Alexander Green
Look back through history and you’ll find the rolling returns for different asset classes are remarkably consistent.
Why does it feel like we can never hit the “off” button?
Anyone can make a good call and be in the market during a rally or out during a correction…
This should be a fundamental part of every investor’s knowledge and understanding: What will move the market tomorrow is not what is already known today.
Market timers eventually end up with nothing more than subpar returns and a boatload of short-term capital gains tax liabilities…
It’s important to remember that anyone can make a good call from time to time. But no one can consistently and accurately time the market…
If you want to increase your stock market returns in today’s volatile market, the answer isn’t to sell. Instead, ride the coattails of knowledgeable insiders.
Why would officers and directors pile money into their own shares? Because they know something you don’t. That’s what makes insider buying so powerful.
One important index indicates that now is the perfect time to capitalize on stocks at bargain prices.