The best hedge against inflation is definitely not stuffing cash under your mattress. Nor is it buying gold coins. Instead, you should be doing this…
“Almost” only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. But if there’s one thing you can count on in investing, it’s the boom-bust cycle…
If, like me, your fear of losing money is greater than your greed – and you liked my rules for investing – then you may want to consider the following…
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It’s also in the eye of the market makers. And after a while, that eye starts to wander…
We should celebrate the fact that so many in this country are wealthy. But we should lament that millions more have not participated in the road to financial independence…
Believe it or not, the richest among us learned responsibility, frugality and self-reliance at an early age. It’s never too late follow their lead…
It’s hard to argue with the effectiveness of value investing. But even if you’re a hardcore follower, there’s a compelling case to be made for momentum investing…
When it comes to making decisions about what do with my money, I follow my own rules. So if your fear of losing money is greater than your greed, pull up a chair…
How do you live a happy and fulfilling life? Perhaps not surprisingly, it has nothing to do with that new car, the latest iPhone or your new set of golf clubs…
A disconnect has materialized in emerging market economies that could signal impending danger for investors…