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10 High-Yielding Small Cap Stocks Under $15

About This Report

Finding small cap companies that pay a dividend is no easy feat. At this stage in a company’s growth trajectory, cash flow is usually either too erratic or is immediately put into growing the company.

However, there are those rare small cap jewels that offer dividends, and some yields are in the double digits.

Aside from master limited partnerships (MLPs) and real estate investment trusts (REITs), there are only a handful of small cap stocks that have double-digit yields.

In fact, of the more than 2,343 stocks with market caps between $300 million and $2 billion, only 1,178 pay dividends.

If you want a meaningful dividend yield – let’s say 5% – the number decreases to less than 268. And if you want a double-digit yield, you are left with just 44 stocks total.

In our latest report, The Top 10 High-Yielding Dividend Small Cap Stocks Under $15, you’ll discover everything you need to know about investing in small cap dividend stocks.

We’ll also give you the ticker symbols to the 10 highest-returning small cap dividend stocks available today.

Simply enter your email address above, and we’ll send you The Top 10 High-Yielding Dividend Small Cap Stocks Under $15 absolutely free.

About Liberty Through Wealth

At Liberty Through Wealth, we believe financial independence is a goal worth striving for.

We all have the right – and perhaps even the obli- gation – to pursue it.

You may think you’re not qualified to manage your money yourself. We disagree.

No one cares about your money more than you do.

Money may not buy happiness, but it sure steam- rolls a whole lot of problems.

Overcoming money worries allows you to get on with your life and focus on the people and activi- ties you love.

To pretend this isn’t so is a form of denial, a sort of spiritual snobbery. Or it may mean that having money has blinded us to the hardships that exist without it.

Money allows you to help close family and friends, to support worthy causes, to spend your life the way you choose.

Few goals are more important than these.

And Liberty Through Wealth makes it all possible.

In this free report, you will discover…

  • The stock that pays you 19.72% just for being a shareholder.
  • The Top 10 High-Yielding Dividend Small Cap Stocks for income seekers and retirees.