Investors who hunt with a rifle not a shotgun – making concentrated investments rather than overdiversifying – still have winners to brag about this year.
Alexander Green
So why am I talking about Nicholas Vardy? Because Nicholas does something neither I nor anyone else does.
As France faces no good options, I turned to my good friend and Oxford Club ETF Strategist Nicholas Vardy to consider the best way to short the French market.
What does a portable coffee maker have to do with the stock market? I’ll tell you…
Tariff Man is not faster than a speeding bullet. Instead, he has the power to send our $30 trillion stock market into a tailspin.
Some argue that economic “winners” and economic “losers” share the same habits. That claim is false, with two exceptions.
Do men and women in the U.S. become wealthy as a result of good habits or good luck? Here’s my take.
I still consider my decision to sell these shares one of the most boneheaded investment moves I ever made.
The U.S. has accounted for 40% of the increase in global wealth since the financial crisis in 2008 – and 58% of the rise since 2013.
International equities will almost certainly outperform the U.S. market. Here’s how to take advantage of it.