Investors who hunt with a rifle not a shotgun – making concentrated investments rather than overdiversifying – still have winners to brag about this year.
It should come as no surprise that investing in these companies has beaten the S&P 500 over many years.
So why am I talking about Nicholas Vardy? Because Nicholas does something neither I nor anyone else does.
As France faces no good options, I turned to my good friend and Oxford Club ETF Strategist Nicholas Vardy to consider the best way to short the French market.
What does a portable coffee maker have to do with the stock market? I’ll tell you…
It’s a big investment world out there. Why limit yourself to buying and holding only U.S. stocks?
Tariff Man is not faster than a speeding bullet. Instead, he has the power to send our $30 trillion stock market into a tailspin.
I’ve just returned from Vienna and The Oxford Club’s Austrian Wealth Retreat. Here’s what we discussed…
Some argue that economic “winners” and economic “losers” share the same habits. That claim is false, with two exceptions.
Do men and women in the U.S. become wealthy as a result of good habits or good luck? Here’s my take.