This should be a fundamental part of every investor’s knowledge and understanding: What will move the market tomorrow is not what is already known today.
Beyond Wealth
What the Japanese Art Craze of the 1980s Can Teach Investors About NFTs
August 4, 2022All eyes are on the nonfungible token (NFT) train… But remember that as sure as night follows day, every boom is followed by a bust.
Technical analysis is particularly good at revealing patterns and helping traders find the points of maximum reward and minimum risk.
Understanding the history of various golden ages helps you identify when and where the next ones are likely to occur.
Market timers eventually end up with nothing more than subpar returns and a boatload of short-term capital gains tax liabilities…
Investors can take advantage of the discounted asset that Alexander Green calls “the ultimate inflation hedge.”
Listening to hedgehogs could cost you much of your hard-earned cash. Investors should stick with a more measured approach…
If the Fed defies expectations… watch out!
Stay away from all financial bubbles – whether you bet on them or against them…
It’s important to remember that anyone can make a good call from time to time. But no one can consistently and accurately time the market…