There are plenty of ways to make money in the markets right now, but this trading technique is not one of them.
Alexander Green
People often ask Alexander Green how much investors should have in cryptocurrency. His answer may surprise you.
Many investors consider the very best-case or very worst-case scenarios when they make investment decisions. But what they fail to consider is “What if I’m wrong?”
The pandemic is receding. Jobs, incomes and asset values are rising again. Yet the same folks who insisted the American Dream was dead before the pandemic are now repeating that claim.
Thousands of investors are searching for a book that shows them how to invest their hard-earned money safely and effectively, with as little time and fuss as possible. Alexander Green has exactly what they need.
Hurried decisions tend to be bad ones… as I was reminded on the golf course last week.
President Biden’s tax plan is likely to hinder economic growth and prosperity. And it’s not hard to see why.
Wall Street is the only market where the customers won’t buy when the merchandise goes on sale.
Don’t be complacent just because the economic outlook is terrific.
After a bear market and a year of bad news, investors’ outlook is optimistic. But be wary of market euphoria and sky-high valuations.